Faster sporting success with brainLight
For the sports and fitness sector, brainLight offers ten sports programs that cover all the important aspects of mental training that are necessary for sporting success, such as: Gearing Up for Competition, Confidence and Self-Esteem as well as Muscle Memory Rehearsal and Positive Target Focus Training.
Sports Programs with music and voice guidance
Programs 520–529 contain light and sound frequencies as well as music.
520 Warm-Up with Mental Calmness
12 Min.
521 Gearing Up for Competition
12 Min.
522 Create Your Own Winning Experience
12 Min.
523 Muscle Memory Rehearsal
17 Min.
524 Relaxation Response Training for Stress Tolerance and Pain Management
17 Min.
525 Self-Trust for Positive Attitudes
17 Min.
526 Confidence and Self-Esteem
22 Min.
527 Door to the Zone
27 Min.
528 Positive Target Focus Training
32 Min.
529 Relaxation, Deep Sleep and
Jet Lag Prevention
42 Min.
Sports Programs without music and voice guidance
Programs 530–539 contain only light and sound frequencies (i.e. no music) and can be used completely without or together with your personal music (by means of cell phone, CD player, laptop etc.).
Please note that light and sound start only 90 seconds after the start of the program and fade out 30 seconds before the end.
530 Warm-Up with Mental Calmness
12 Min.
531 Gearing Up for Competition
12 Min.
532 Create Your Own Winning Experience
12 Min.
533 Muscle Memory Rehearsal
17 Min.
534 Relaxation Response Training for Stress Tolerance and Pain Management
17 Min.
535 Self-Trust for Positive Attitudes
17 Min.
536 Confidence and Self-Esteem
22 Min.
537 Door to the Zone
27 Min.
538 Positive Target Focus Training
32 Min.
539 Relaxation, Deep Sleep and
Jet Lag Prevention
42 Min.
Top athletes no longer rely solely on physical training on their way to top performance.
Mental training and optimal regeneration through relaxation methods are as much a part of everyday life today as the right diet. Amateur athletes can also benefit from these findings in sports psychology.
You can use the brainLight-Sports Programs both before and after training to mentally relax and focus. The effects of the programs also have an impact on your everyday life, ensuring peak performance at all levels.
The brainLight-Sports Programs help you to:
NOTE: Due to different delivery costs per order and destination, all orders have to be placed by Email and will be processed individually. If you have any questions re. the product or your best choice, please contact your sales rep or send a preliminary email.
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