Faster, easier and brain-friendly learning with brainLight
The brainLight-Clever-Programs were developed to support faster and easier learning and enable brain training at the cutting edge of neuro-technology. Children, Teens and adults are invited on an exciting journey into the world of quick and easy learning.
Clever-Programs with music
Programs 490–499 contain light and sound frequencies as well as music.
490 Accelerated Learning Development
15 Min.
491 Test Preparation Training
15 Min.
492 Tune Up After School / Parent Support
15 Min.
493 Problem Solving
15 Min.
494 Positive Motivation / Attitude for Peak Performance
15 Min.
495 Skill Building for Reading and Spelling
15 Min.
496 Math Skill Builder
11 Min.
497 Homework Helper
10 Min.
498 Concentration / Focus / Attention Training
15 Min.
499 Deep Sleep and Rest
40 Min.
Clever-Programs without music
The programs 510–519 contain only light and sound frequencies (i.e. no music) and can be used completely without or together with your personal music or learning information (by means of cell phone, CD player, laptop etc.).
510 Accelerated Learning Development
15 Min.
511 Test Preparation Training
15 Min.
512 Tune Up After School / Parent Support
15 Min.
513 Problem Solving
15 Min.
514 Positive Motivation / Attitude for Peak Performance
15 Min.
515 Skill Building for Reading and Spelling
15 Min.
516 Math Skill Builder
11 Min.
517 Homework Helper
10 Min.
518 Concentration / Focus / Attention Training
15 Min.
519 Deep Sleep and Rest
40 Min.
When you learn with all your senses, learning content is absorbed more easily and intensively.
The use of scientifically based frequencies is still proving successful today as part of the Superlearning method. This method originated from suggestopedia according to Prof. Dr. Lozanov and was further developed in 2010 by the American Dr. Rayma Ditson-Sommer and brainLight GmbH.
The audio-visual brainLight-Systems in combination with the Clever-Programs ensure the calming and balancing of brain waves. Benefit from increased focus and concentration and a mind that is optimally prepared for learning. Unleash your full potential with brainLight and achieve top performance!
With the brainLight-Clever-Programs you support:
The programs can be used not only by children, but also by teenagers and adults.
Gerne kümmern wir uns um Ihr Anliegen und beantworten alle Ihre Fragen rund um die audio-visuellen Entspannungssysteme von brainLight.