For those who want to enjoy the brainLight-Wellbeing-Experience as a couple or who want to experiment with the effect of different colored LEDs, an additional pair of visualization glasses is the right choice.
The color white has the longest light wave and therefore reaches the most light receptors. With these visualization glasses the best stimulation is thereby achieved over a long period of time.
Usually people who do not initially see colors with white or green LEDs immediately experience beautiful, bright light effects with the red LEDs. The stimulation level is between the white and green visualization glasses.
The visualization glasses with green LEDs are especially suitable for people with sensitive or light-sensitive eyes. Likewise, we recommend them for learning applications and for children. Our Synchro PRO one with the Clever Learning Programs for children and adults therefore comes with visualization glasses with green LEDs instead of white LEDs as standard.
The visualization glasses with blue LEDs have a similar effect as the ones with white LEDs. Moreover, for some people they have a special, positive effect.
We carry transparent visualization glasses with light emitting diodes (LEDs) in various colors - for the curious, the experimental and people with special needs. Which visualization glasses are preferred depends on your personal preference. Below is some information for your orientation.
ATTENTION: Our visualization glasses can only be used together with the brainLight-Relaxation-Systems!
Weight: 0,6 kg (approx. 21.2 oz)
Net price: €82.35
NOTE: Due to different delivery costs per order and destination, all orders have to be placed by Email and will be processed individually. If you have any questions re. the product or your best choice, please contact your sales rep or send a preliminary email.
Gerne kümmern wir uns um Ihr Anliegen und beantworten alle Ihre Fragen rund um die audio-visuellen Entspannungssysteme von brainLight.