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Hauptstr. 52
63773 Goldbach
+49 6021 59070



What we believe in

The brainLight GmbH Corporate Philosophy

When we founded brainLight GmbH on October 31, 1988, our goal - and at the same time our corporate philosophy - was to contribute with our actions and our work:

  • to bring people more in contact with themselves and their intrinsic, divine being.
  • to increase global awareness, understanding of the world, compassion and love.
  • to see, promote and deepen the good in all people.
  • to find courage and strength for individual spirituality and to live and experience it.

Of course, we also want to live and develop these values in our company, in our dealings with our employees and customers.

We are grateful and proud of what we have achieved

In the meantime, many years have passed and we can look back with gratitude on an intensive and instructive time. Despite many trials and tricky temptations, we have - with the exception of a few short detours - remained true to our philosophy. We are proud of this and wholeheartedly grateful that our company is now standing on a sound footing and that our future prospects look very good.

We are also grateful:

  • for our wonderful, outstanding, unique, strong and motivated employees who have accompanied us even in dark times,
  • for our parents and siblings who stand by us,
  • for our friends who believed in us,
  • for the fact that the right projects were brought to us at the right time,
  • for the strength, courage and inner guidance and for the many miracles that have been granted to us,
  • for all the people who have accompanied and supported us,
  • for life itself, for love and for the many challenges we encounter on our path of life - towards more love and wholeness.

The brainLight-Technology, as well as our trainings and seminars offer you various ways to achieve the goals mentioned in our corporate philosophy. We are happy to assist you with competent advice in the selection process!

In cordial sympathy,

Ursula Sauer and Jochen Hufgard 
Founders and managing directors of brainLight GmbH